Reception Class 2023 - 2024

Mrs Edwards

Welcome to Reception's Class Page!

In Diamond Class, we are made up of 14 very inquisitive reception children! In Reception we have Mrs L Edwards, your class teacher as well as Mrs Phillips for Forest School lessons.

In our class, we absolutely love learning new things. We do this through exploring, playing, listening, singing, talking and having amazing experiences. We especially like to ask lots of questions to grow our brains! We will be sharing our experiences on Facebook every week so that you can see all of the exciting adventures that we have in school!


Our topic this term (Summer 1) is 'Down on the Farm'. 


We will be focusing on 'The Little Red Hen' in Literacy.


In Literacy we will be continuing with phonics and learning to write words and longer sentences, that can be read by others. We will focus on stories, retelling them, and describing the characters.


In Maths, we will be practicing our numbers beyond ten, counting patterns, looking at the 'teen' and 'ty' at the end of numbers, and addition and subtraction.


In science, we will be learning about living things and their habitats, and light. We will be focusing on mini beasts and carrying three of our science lessons out in Forest School.

Forest School lessons will take place on a Wednesday afternoon every week. Please can children come to school in their PE kit with their forest school clothes in a bag. They will need warm, waterproof clothing. Children will need to be fully covered for forest school sessions and will need full length trousers, and a waterproof coat or suit. They will also need wellies or walking shoes to protect their feet in the forest school area.

Foundation Studies

Our topic this half term is ‘Down on the Farm', which links to all of our foundation topics, specifically looking at farms on a map in geography, and the role of a farmer over time in history.


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday (AM) Please can children come to school in their PE kits every week on these two days.

It is always fantastic to see what the children are getting up to at home, so please share any exciting home experiences or milestones.


Helping your child at home:

Reading: Children will not initially come home with a reading book as they will be starting the Read Write Inc. Phonics scheme. When children are ready, they will come home with reading ditty and progress to a reading book. Please read regularly at home with your child, every day if you can, but aiming for a minimum of 4 times per week when children start to bring books home. Allow your child to listen to you read, as well as listening to them reading aloud to you. Children will all have a reading folder with a diary and book relating to their weekly Phonics lessons as they progress in Phonics. Reading records must be signed every time the children read at home and reading records will be checked weekly. Enjoy sharing exciting stories together as the children will love listening to you read to them and I am sure that you will also enjoy sharing a story with them!

Writing: Use lots of opportunities to write; shopping lists, cooking and baking, writing instructions and letters. Any mark making is valuable to children forming their letters. Don't be afraid to get messy with it! Children love to write in shaving foam, sand, paint or anything else that is messy!

Maths: Practise counting anywhere you can. Try applying numbers to real life and daily objects. Counting steps is a great way to get children counting! Try forming letters and numbers out of natural objects such as pine cones or leaves! Patterns are also a fantastic focus so please use different items make your own patterns!






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Woodcocks' Well CE VA Primary School

Church Street, Mow Cop Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 3NQ