Key Stage 1 2024 - 2025
Mrs Mahmood
Welcome to KS1
Spring Term 1
Our Topics this Half Term:
Maths: We are looking at addition and subtraction (within 50) (Y1), multiplication and division, money (Y2).
Reading: Author of the half term is Ronda & David Armitage.
English: In English, we will be focusing on the book ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ by Ronda & David Armitage. We will be using this text to write a recount of the story. We will be continuing to focus on using our phonic knowledge in our writing.
History: We will be starting our new topic on old toys.
Geography: This half term we will be looking at Mexico in detail, looking at the climate and landmarks found there.
PE: We will be concentrating on attacking and Defending Multi - Skills bat and ball games.
PSHE: We will be looking at what make us Amazing.
RE: We will be looking at 'Easter - How do symbols help us to understand the Easter story'
Computing: We are focussing on coding programming .
Music: This term we will be exploring music about changes.
Science: This term we are looking at plants.
Art: We will be at the Artist Karan Leader . We will explore printing.
Due to input from parent forum , homework will look slightly different this year. We still except reading 4 times a week, engagement in TTRS and spellings.
This year there will be grid of activities per half term, for 1 task to be completed each week.
Helping your child at home
Reading: Continue to read regularly at home with your child. Every child should be reading at least 4 times a week and this will be monitored in school. If a child is not consistently reading at home, parents will be contacted.
Maths: Practise counting anywhere that you can. By the end of Y1, children need to be able to count (in ones) to a hundred. In Y2 practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, as this will prepare your child when they come to learn their times tables. Children have their TTRS Login details and this can be accessed here

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me on: