Year 6 Celebrations...
Date: 21st May 2018 @ 5:34pm
Well what an amazing evening we had on Friday. It was of course, our Year 6 celebration party and sleepover.
After a wonderful afternoon celebrating the end of SATs week and all of their hard work, the children who were then able to come to the party were in fine spirits!
We spent our time playing outside, eating pizza, playing pass the parcel with a twist, wink murder, Britain’s Got Talent (complete with judges and a host!) hide and seek and snuggled up watching films munching on pop-corn and sipping hot chocolate! I’d love to say that the children were tucked up in bed and fast asleep by 8pm, however this is FAR from the truth! I daren’t in fact even mention the time that the last children drifted off…
Needless to say we were rather surprised when the children were wide awake as soon as the sun rose the next morning and eager to start their fun and games again!
I must say that the staff; myself, Miss Darlington, Mrs Stoker and Mrs McKie had an absolute ball at this year’s celebration party, we laughed until we cried for what seemed like most of the evening. Thank you year sixes for being such an amazing group!
Thanks, Miss Booth J