First aid basics...
Date: 25th Feb 2018 @ 4:20pm
The last week of term, at school, was our staying safe week. Each of the classes had a different focus, and Oak Classes was first aid. We also joined in with Maple class’s workshop about 'Saying No'.
During the workshop we talked about things we should and shouldn't be able to say no to and discussed how we felt the best way to do this was. As a class we discussed our bodies and how they are very special and belong to us and thought about what we should do to keep these safe. The children worked together, with help from myself, Miss Darlington and Mrs Massen to carefully decide what they must do in a scenario where they felt uncomfortable; taking on board the support they have around them, including, friends, trusted adults and sometimes even outside agencies such as ChildLine. This was a really important discussion to have with the children and they were all extremely sensible and grown up. Please take the time to talk to your children at home about this further.
Later in the week, Oak Class welcomed Kath Rose from Cheshire East Mini First Aid, who led an hour long workshop with the children. The children were fantastic and were so eager to get going. We began by talking about whom we should call in an emergency and what information we must be able to give.
Throughout the session, the children learnt how to assess a situation; checking for danger before approaching the causality. They learnt how to check if someone is breathing and how to put them into the recovery position if they are. Everyone was taught how to perform CPR and had the chance to practice this on a first aid doll. We learnt what to do if someone was choking, how to treat a burn, sever bleeding and how to put on a sling. Whilst this was of course only basic first aid and we hope the children never need to use it, we also feel that it was such a beneficial exercise and could make a real difference should such a situation arise. Once again, please take the time to talk to your child about what they have learnt – even better offer to be the causality, whilst they practice putting your into the recovery position or arm in a sling!
You can also see a little more about this in the Congleton Chronicle this week 22.02.2018, along with some photos.