Egg timer masters....
Date: 12th Mar 2018 @ 7:39pm
Today we kicked off our Monday with the introduction of Science Week. Over the course of the week, the children around the school will be taking part in lots of different science work and fun.
In Oak Class, I began by setting the children a challenge! They began by looking carefully at a selection of sand timers and thinking about the way that they work. The children then worked in groups to make their own one minute timer, using a range of different resources. The children worked amazingly together, sharing ideas and helping each other to achieve amazing results. They used different techniques; some using scales to measure out the sand and adjusting it in order to meet one minute; others timed for one minute whilst pouring the sand and collecting it at the bottom is that they had the perfect amount. The trickiest bit seemed to be getting the right sized hole and ensuring that the sand kept flowing, rather than pooling at the bottom of the container. The children weren't deterred however, and we had a range of funnels and other contraptions being used!
You can see from the videos and photos what a wonderful group of scientists we had in Oak Class this afternoon!